Sunday, July 09, 2006


Been neglecting the blog lately. I've feeling unfocused since the end of the semester, brought on by a lethergy that has plagued me since last year and which the long HK trip had failed to cure. There is also a growing anxiety within me concerning my decision to move to Oslo to finish my studies, the fear of a new environment, doubts over my own aptitude in architecture and the propspect of having to survive on my own without family and friends at least till the middle of June next year.

Anyways, I hope to post (interesting non-personal architecture stuff) more frequently after I've sorted things out. I have a backlog of pictures which I had meant to post but had been too unmotivated to write about.

In the mean time, here are some great architecure videos (via archidose) which I like to share with you all.


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