Monday, September 05, 2005


It's crit time again! And for once I had a relatively unstressed pre-crit period, an unprecedented first. Perhaps a reward for the past four weekends spent in school. And seeing all our work pinned up on the boards, it was really satisfying.

Minutes before crit began at 3.30pm, the last session for the day. I usually hate late crits but today, I was quite glad to have the whole morning to put everything together, given that chronically late architecture students would be unable to turn up early to put things together for the earlier sessions.

Hann being caught in the discussion between David Robson (authority on Geoffrey Bawa) and Tay Kheng Soon (radical first generation Singapore architect). Hilarious situation.

The exchange students in my studio. The one on the left, Stefan (pronounce SCHteFan) and the other one is Kim from Paris (but is originally from Tahiti and is half Chinese half Tahitian and whose full name has six words in all).

Kelly presenting our "99 Red Balloons" masterplan proposal. A light-hearted and whimsical scheme and, I personally feel, the most fun out of the four schemes presented. Just to talk about it briefly, it involves the creation of this 2km boardwalk with a continous stream flowing through and there will be giant red balloons littered along the paths to created visual continuity and interaction with the outside. Tay Kheng Soon liked the humour but he thought that we should make it even more humourous and tongue-in-cheek.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the crit very fun, i like when they start quarrel with each other when hann was standing there, and Teh Joo Heng was carelessly ignored~ oops, maybe im too bad~

5:55 PM  

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