Wednesday, May 04, 2005

see the bearded lady

Wacky cover of the May edition of V magazine with Kate Moss sprouting a beard. Taken by Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin.

The editors of V write, "The beard should look fake, we agree. It should clearly be drag. Kate as the now-version of Hibiscus, star of the hippie documentary The Cockettes. Why do we associate a beard with deity, with spirit, with freedom, with magic? Can androgyny take us beyond ourselves? Could Kate?s desirability make us forget about war, money, power, and other catastrophes? I f***ing hope so."

Yeah, right. It can surely be explained as a perversion of beauty or a comment of how people view beauty. But I say it's just shallow gimmickry. "Come witness the latest spectacle at your nearest bookstore now!" Perhaps a modern version of the circus freak show staple, the bearded lady. Both have the same intention, they are just out to get your money.


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